Day 14 - Sierra Blanca - Marfa

106 mi

Good night sleep, and an early start. Sierra Blanca to Van Horn wasn't anything crazy. I rode on the interstate that made it very quick. Still nothing crazy fast

Went to the always trustworthy Dollar general, and picked up some supplies. I bought enough so that I would be able to camp in Valentine if I needed to. There is only water and Valentine, nothing else.

So I made the trek down to Valentine, And it wasn't too bad. It was slightly uphill, with a medium headwind. The problem was the slight uphill never ceased. The whole ride was always slightly uphill. I was able to see some cool stuff.

I got to see the Prada store just outside of Valentine. When I was there someone gave me a Coke, that was a lifesaver! Good people!

Once I hit the Valentine library I was extremely tired. I was planning on only taking a 30 minute break, but it turned into an hour and 30 minute break. It turned out, I was pretty dehydrated, and undernourished. So I drink a lot of water, ate a lot of food. Once I was back on the road I felt a lot better.

However the riding was not any easier. In fact it was some of the hardest riding I've done to date. It wasn't super physically challenging it, it was just tough to deal with the headwind 12-20mph for the 34 miles to get to Marfa.

And again everything was just slightly uphill.

Also, you never realize how fun turns in the road are until you don't have any. From Van Horn to Marfa it's pretty much a straight line. It's something you don't think about and tell you just go straight for 80 mi. It's just weird.

Anyway the riding to Marfa was slow and tough. 

Just outside of town, there is a cutout of James Dean, one of the coolest people who ever lived.

Once I got some Marfa, my hosta made All the struggle worthwhile! Thank you Elizabeth and Zeke! 

Good conversation, Texas brisket, blueberry cobbler, and a roof over my head; I cannot ask for much more. Thank you for everything!

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