Day 8 - Tucson - Huachuca City

72 miles

What an awesome day.

Left Tucson at around 6:00, and was able to get on the loop to leave town. It's really nice not having to deal with cars, unfortunately I cannot say that for the rest of today's ride.

Once I got out of town, things got a little dicey. Taking 83 to Sonoita was not the most fun. There really wasn't a shoulder, and it was pretty much all uphill. And there were a lot of twists and turns. All of this is fine, except when you add cars. Especially cars that are speeding through the hills. Very dangerous. I was extremely cognizant, I'm was almost always looking over my shoulder. There were no real close calls.

The riding was hard. Elevation was also a factor. But essentially, I was just writing a hill all the way to Sonoita.

Once I got to Sonoita, I sat down on the bench and I was exhausted. It was about 50 miles to get there, but it was all uphill. Tough day. But, the temperature was extremely cool compared to what I was used to. So I was able to take a 3-hour break, rest up, and do some more riding!

While I was sitting at The bench outside the post office, an elderly lady came up to me and asked if I wanted any mangoes or oranges. She had boxes of them that a store was going to throw away. So I helped her unload the mangoes and oranges, and I feasted on them for the time I was there!

After that I filled up my waters and headed to Huachuca City. 

Once there I stopped at a city park, did some stretching, changed clothes, and then started to figure out where I was going to camp that night. I walk up to this group of people, and ask if they thought it was okay to pitch my tent in the park. They said probably not because the police station and fire station are right next door

We got to talking, and before you knew it they invited me to sit down, join the conversation, and we all soon became close friends! A little after that, I talked to the chief of police of the town, who informed me that camping in the city park was forbidden.

Thankfully, Rod, a new very close friend, offered me shelter on his property. You can't ask for much more than that. I left that park with a new very close friend, and two new extra mothers (Tess and Joan).

What a day, what a day!

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