Day 36 - Panama City - Tallahassee

110 miles

When I went to bed it was supposed to rain in the morning. By the time I woke up the rain was out of the forecast.

Breakfast was corn flakes and bananas. Left around 6:15. Today I was also leaving the coastline. Which made the riding a little less scenic.

Made a quick stop in a town 30 miles from my start. Within minutes of being back on the road, I had my first flat tire. Well overdue. I ran over this thick piece of wire that found the thin spot in my tire. 

A flat tire is really not a big deal, and it happens to most tourists many times on tours.

I got the tube changed out and reinstalled within about 25 minutes.

After that back on the road.

Really not a whole lot of scenery today. Just a good day to pound out some mileage.

I did have some pasta mid ride from the night before. Good food

I also changed time zones today

I made it to my hosts', Rick and Deborah, and was welcomed with open arms.

Rick and I talked about bike touring and future/past adventures. One notable thing we talked about was our hatred of going backwards. By going backwards I mean retracing your steps on a bike tour. Going back where you just came from. We both agreed it was the absolute worst thing to do. Rick said he would almost rather quit than return from the place he just came from... El Paso...

Anyway, delightful food and conversation. First time I had tamales. Delicious

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