Day 38 - Tallahassee - Lake City

107 miles

Had a delicious omelet and some bacon for breakfast. Thank you Rick and Deborah! 

Got on the road around 6:45. Made pretty good time all day today. 15 plus miles per hour pretty much the whole day.

There was a thing I forgot to add in the last post. Florida is not flat. That is a big misconception. Near Tallahassee it is extremely hilly. My ride getting into Tallahassee had many small hills. But those small hills add up fast! Today I went up and down 2350 ft of elevation. First cycling folks, you know that's not nothing! And it was over 2,000 ft up and down for my ride into Tallahassee. 

This can actually be compared to some of the riding I did in Texas. Not quite as bad, but much more hilly than Minnesota/Wisconsin. Go figure

Today I was also able to reconnect with an old friend, US 90! In fact I will be following US 90 all the way to the Atlantic Ocean. I think that is kind of neat. I got on this road back in Texas where it started, and I'll be taking it to the end.

Made it about 3 and 1/2 hours, and then I look behind me and saw the rain coming. Unfortunately I was in between two towns.

So last night, the forecast was about 50-50 all day. Once I woke up it said I was good until 2ish. However the storm came out of nowhere and hit around 10:00.

Like I said I was in between two towns, so I put on my waterproof stuff, and rode in the rain. It wasn't coming down too badly, but probably not what I want to ride in. But I needed to get into town.

Thankfully, towns are only 15 mi apart, so I made it within a half an hour. Got some shelter outside of gas station. I stayed there for about an hour. Which wasn't too bad. The thing that kept me there was the lightning. Every time I thought the storm was ending, there was another shot of lightning. I'm pretty sure it's not smart to ride with lightning, so I didn't.

Anyway I got rocking and rolling. Pretty uneventful riding after that. The last hour was kind of a drag. Other than that good day.

There are not a ton of campgrounds in the area, so I had to go with a hotel. This is definitely not where I wanted to be sleeping my last night, but there is quite a bit of rain in the forecast. So I think it'll work out.

Basically since I've gotten here, I've just laid in bed and watched TV. Livin' the good life

Tomorrow is the final push

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